"Kathryn, just because 2016 sucks doesn't mean you can't write a blog. You like finding the quirky and/or happy news for Fridays. Just find something other than the regular crap to discuss the rest of the week."I decided that I'm going to try a new blogging schedule:
Monday: Odds & Ends - I recently joined a site called Imzy, where I started a writing community/personal blog. In it, I discuss interesting factoids and other food for plot bunnies.
Tuesday: Review Day - I will review books, movies, video games, T.V. shows,...
Wednesday: Wordless Wednesday
Thursday: The Grecian Gambit - My daughter loves all things Greek, especially stories about Greek gods. One day, we discussed a fun story about a writer accidentally calling/conjuring a Greek god. This is that story, written one part at a time.
Friday: Freaky Friday News
I don't have anything definitely planned for the weekends, but I hope to find a funny picture to pass along.