Guns are machines that apply mechanical force to a bullet, causing the primer to light the propellant and send a projectile through the air at a large velocity. (By "large", I mean that some projectiles fly at faster than sound speeds.) That's it. Now some guns have rifled barrels; some don't. Some guns let you fire multiple bullets without needing to manually chamber the next round; some don't. But in the end, modern guns work the same way.
Gun are no different than a TV gaming console, a motorcycle, kitchen knives, recliners, and other everyday objects. Guns have no mystical powers; guns have no intent, good or evil. Guns don't put thoughts into people's head, a concept explored in "Men at Arms" by Terry Pratchett.
No, I'll buy whatever cell phone I want.
No, the government doesn't need to track this information. It's private.
I blame the person taking the picture, not the cell phone.
That's why I've included some exploded views of guns here. I want to show that nowhere in a gun is a heart, mind, soul, or evil nanotechnology trying to take over the world. A gun is a machine that you can use to harm another human being, just like a mechanical pencil. Only less prevalent.